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    Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Resources


Baker College provides labs for students to work on projects and practice using equipment. These labs include computer rooms, technical labs, health science rooms, and the Academic Resource Center.

You can find the open lab schedule in your course syllabus, from your instructor, at the Academic Resource Center, or in the academic/administrative offices.

Note: Labs might be restricted to students enrolled in specific courses that need lab time. Remember to bring your student ID, as it may be checked during open lab hours. Lab schedules can change each semester.

Campus Safety

The mission of the Campus Safety department is to preserve, protect and defend people and property, while respecting the rights of all people on the Baker College campuses.

At every Baker College campus, we aim to maintain a safe environment for students, employees, and guests. Campus officials maintain a close working relationship with local law enforcement agencies, and the College encourages and enforces all College, local, state, and federal laws and rules of conduct. This includes banning drugs, weapons, violence, threats, vandalism, and being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Campus Annual Security Reports (ASR)

The Campus Safety Department prepares an Annual Security Report for Baker College, which is available here, on our Campus Safety Web page, or in the links in the Disclosures section of this Handbook.

Alcohol and Drug Prevention

The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) require institutions of higher education (IHE) to certify they have implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and the use and/or distribution of illicit drugs, both by students and employees, either on their premises or as a part of any of their activities. Information regarding compliance with the DFSCA is available at:

The purpose of this policy is to educate the Baker College community regarding the harmful effects associated with the use of alcohol and drugs, while identifying education and prevention programs offered to students, faculty, and staff regarding these matters.

Standards of Conduct

Baker College is a drug-free and alcohol-restricted institution. We believe that drugs and alcohol are not helpful for your education. Students and employees must follow all federal, state, and local laws.

The unauthorized use of alcohol on any Baker College-owned or leased property or during a College-sponsored activity is strictly prohibited (unless approved by the president or their designee). Violations will result in immediate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

If you live in the Residence Hall and are of legal drinking age, check the Residence Hall Student Handbook for specific rules.

Health Risks

Using alcohol and drugs can cause many health, behavior, and social issues. These include:

  • Acute health problems related to intoxication and overdose
  • Physical and psychological dependence
  • Interference with memory, sensation, and perception
  • Permanent brain damage or death
  • Long-term health issues, diseases, and mental health problems
  • Problems with pregnancy
  • Risky and violent behavior, accidents, and poor academic or work performance.

Legal Sanctions

The following laws are strictly enforced by Baker College Campus Safety departments and local law enforcement agencies:

Federal Law

Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for unlawful possession or distribution of a controlled substance. Under the Controlled Substance Act, Student Resources as well as other related federal laws, the penalties for controlled substance violations include:

  • Incarceration or fines
  • Forfeiture of property used in possession or to facilitate possession of a controlled substance (which may include homes, vehicles, boats, aircraft, and any other property)
  • Ineligibility to possess a firearm
  • Ineligibility to receive federal educational benefits (such as student loans and grants)

State Law

The State of Michigan has numerous laws regulating the possession and use of controlled substances and alcohol. For example, under current Michigan state law, “a person shall not knowingly or intentionally possess or distribute a controlled substance.” If an individual is found guilty of a violation of the state law, he or she may be subject to large fines and imprisonment.

If you’re under 21, you may not “purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic liquor, consume or attempt to consume alcoholic liquor, possess or attempt to possess alcoholic liquor or have any bodily alcohol content.” Violations of the law may subject the individual to fines, participation in a substance abuse program, imprisonment, community service hours, and/or out-of-pocket expenses related to required substance abuse screenings.

Local Laws

Local laws can be different depending on the county, but they usually consider these actions as violations:

  • Drinking alcohol in public places
  • Possession and use of alcohol by minors
  • Having uncapped liquor in passenger compartments of a vehicle
  • Breaking any substance abuse laws

Penalties can range from a civil infraction with attached fines to probation, rehabilitation, or even imprisonment.

Institutional Sanctions

Distributing, possessing, carrying, using, or being under the influence of illegal drugs on any Baker College-owned or leased property or during a College-sponsored activity is strictly prohibited and will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from all campuses.

Possessing, carrying, using or being under the influence of alcohol on Baker College premises will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from all campuses. Possession or use of alcohol is restricted to housing residents of legal drinking age within their housing unit (See Residence Life ).

If you violate either the drug or alcohol policy, you will face immediate disciplinary action which may include:

  • A verbal or written warning
  • A behavior contract
  • Change in student housing or academic schedule
  • Dismissal from student housing or suspension/expulsion from the College

For employees, a violation of either the drug or alcohol policy will result in immediate disciplinary action which may include:

  • Transportation changes/restrictions
  • Changes in work assignment/location
  • Suspension or termination of employment

The Student Chemical Impairment Policy can be found at

In all cases, if an investigation finds it’s more likely than not that a violation of the policy occured, you will face disciplinary action.

Suspension of Financial Aid Eligibility for Drug-Related Offenses

If you’re convicted of possessing or selling illegal drugs while receiving Title IV funds, you will lose your eligibility for federal grants, loans, and work-study. This ineligibility starts from the date of your conviction and ends after the following:

Possession Offenses

First offense: ineligible for one year
Second offense: ineligible for two years
Third offense: ineligible indefinitely

Sale of Controlled Substance Offenses

First offense: ineligible for two years
Second offense: ineligible indefinitely

If your financial aid eligibility is suspended due to a drug conviction, you resume eligibility by completing an approved drug rehabilitation program. This program must meet the following criteria:

  • Include at least two unannounced drug tests
  • Be qualified to receive funds from federal, state, or local governments, or from a federal or state-licensed insurance company, or
  • Be administered or recognized by a federal, state, or local government agency or court, or a federal or state licensed hospital, health clinic, or medical doctor

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program

  • Annual Programs: Every year, Baker College offers programs about the issues related to drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Campus Info: Each campus may provide extra information on these issues.
  • Request More Info: If you want more details, you can ask the Campus Safety department.
  • Orientation Sessions: During orientation, students living in residence halls will attend a session on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, provided by Campus Safety and Residence Life.
  • Online Training: All currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff must complete an online drug and alcohol prevention training each semester. This training is sent via email by the Human Resources Department and is offered by an external vendor.
  • Employee Benefits: Full-time employees have access to counseling services, and any referrals will be kept confidential.
  • Local Resources: Each campus has local resources to help with drug and alcohol problems.
  • Full Program Details: You can find the complete Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program at

Biennial Review

  • Review Schedule: Prior to March 30th during even calendar years, Baker College will review its Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP).
  • Who Reviews: The review is done by the Baker College System Vice President for Human Resources and the System Campus Safety Coordinator.
  • Approval and Implementation: The System President approves the review and any recommendations, which are then implemented for the fall semester.
  • What’s Included in the Review: The biennial review will include a description of the research methods and data analyses used to determine the effectiveness of the program and the consistency of its enforcement strategy.
  • Evaluation Purpose: To ensure the successful achievement of the policy/program objectives.

Evaluation Process:

  1. Process Evaluation:

    • Purpose: To monitor the progress of the policy and program implementation to see if any changes are needed to meet stated objectives.
    • Data Reviewed:
      • Annual Security Report (ASR) data
      • Programs administered at each campus
      • Policies and procedures
      • The number and type of disciplinary actions against students and staff
      • Notifications sent to students and staff to ensure adherence to the notification policy
  2. Outcome Evaluation:

    • Purpose: To see how well the campus alcohol and drug policy and prevention programs are working, determine alcohol and drug-related trends, and suggest ways to make the policies and programs more effective.
    • Data Reviewed:
      • Annual review of the survey data collected through the external vendor’s drug and alcohol prevention training program
      • Semester Campus Safety reports of alcohol and drug-related incidents on campus
      • Follow-up on disciplinary actions taken against students

Availability: A copy of the biennial review is kept by the System Vice President for Human Resources and the System Campus Safety Coordinator, and is available upon request.


In alignment with our student-centered approach, Baker College prioritizes your health and well-being! As part of our commitment to your success, our campuses are designated as smoke-free/tobacco-free, encompassing electronic tobacco/vaping devices and tobacco-simulating products. This policy applies to all areas of the campus, including grounds, buildings, and parking lots. Smoking is permitted solely within enclosed personal vehicles or off-campus premises. Any student found violating these policies will be subject to disciplinary measures.

Children on Campus

Our commitment is to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students. If a parent/guardian needs to conduct College business, drop off an assignment, or any related activity, children are welcome to accompany them inside the building. However, for activities such as attending class, studying, utilizing library resources, or participating in other academic engagements, children are not permitted on campus. Additionally, for their safety, children should not be left unattended anywhere on campus. Please note that College resources, including computers and printers, are reserved exclusively for student use.

Emergency Procedures

In case of fire, an alarm will sound. You will be required to leave the building immediately, proceeding to a designated area at least 100 feet from the building. Make sure you check the posted evacuation information and routes in each classroom. During a fire evacuation, remember that elevators will not work and you must use the stairs. Window exits should not be used unless doorways are blocked. Doors and windows should be closed when leaving the room.

In case of other emergencies, you will be given instructions that are appropriate to the situation. You will be required to follow the instructions given during these emergency situations.

Fire Drill Policy

Purpose of the Fire Drill Policy

The purpose of the fire drill policy is to prepare everyone for safely leaving the building during a fire or other emergency.

What Fire Drills Help With:

  • Knowledge Check: Making sure everyone knows the drill procedures, where the fire exits are, and what the fire alarm sounds like.
  • Alarm Check: Finding any issues with the fire alarm system.
  • Evacuation Check: Monitoring the evacuation of the building.
  • Timing: Seeing how long it takes to evacuate the building.


Campus Safety Director or Facilities Director

These are the responsibilities of the Campus Safety Director of Facilities Director in regards to our Fire Drill Policy:

  • Annual Drills: Make sure each occupied building utilized by Baker College has at least one preplanned fire drill every academic year.
  • Residence Hall Drills: Ensure each residence hall/dormitory has three fire drills per academic year:
    • One in the fall semester (within 21 days of classes starting)
    • One in the spring semester
    • One in the summer semester
    • One of these drills must happen between sunset and sunrise.
    • All fire drills must be done when school is in session.
  • Staff Training: The Fire Prevention Code, PA 207 of 1941, Section 29.19a requires that all instructional staff be trained in fire drill procedures before the beginning of each academic year. The Campus Safety Director or their designee will conduct this training prior to the fall semester. This training will also be provided to all new faculty at new faculty orientations held throughout the year.


These are the responsibilities of Baker College faculty in regards to our Fire Drill Policy:

  • Communicate Policy: Faculty will explain the fire drill and evacuation rules to students.
  • First Day Info: On the first day of class each semester, faculty will educate students on the following. This information will also be included in their syllabi and posted near each classroom door.
    • Escape Routes: Identify the quickest escape routes from their classrooms, along with a secondary route in case the primary routes are inaccessible.
    • Meeting Spots: Point out where to meet outside to make sure everyone is safe.
    • Help for Disabilities: Faculty will make sure emergency personnel are aware of people with disabilities that may need help. In multistory buildings, people with disabilities should be directed to fire-protected stairwells (areas of refuge) to wait for help if they can’t use the stairs.
  • During a Fire Alarm, faculty will follow the fire alarm evacuation procedure:
  1. Evacuate: Leave the building.
  2. Assemble: Meet at the designated spot outside.
  3. Report: Faculty will tell Campus Safety or emergency personnel if anyone is missing or injured.

Building Occupants

Building occupants are defined as every person in a Baker College-owned or leased building. 

  • Occupants must evacuate buildings in an orderly manner and congregate at the designated reassembly sites.
  • Occupants must not re-enter buildings until a verbal “all clear” is signaled by Campus Safety or appropriate emergency personnel.
  • People with disabilities, if unable to evacuate from the buildings, must go to the designated area of refuge (fire-protected stairwell) for assistance in exiting the buildings.

Emergency Personnel

If there’s an emergency, Campus Safety and facilities personnel, along with any other first responders who arrive, are designated as Emergency Personnel.

  • They’ll conduct thorough searches of the buildings to make sure everyone has left safely.
  • Once it’s safe, they’ll give the all-clear signal, letting you know it’s okay to return to the buildings.

Note: During a real emergency, the on-scene fire commander will give an “all clear” when it’s safe to re-enter the building. Campus Safety and/or facilities personnel will communicate this information to you at the scene.

Reporting Requirements

If you find that a fire alarm system isn’t working properly, report it to facilities personnel so they can take immediate action to fix it. Your safety is our priority, so it’s important that all safety systems are fully functional.

Additionally, records of all drills will be kept by the Campus Safety Director or their designee. This helps us track our preparedness and ensures that everyone is familiar with the procedures in case of an emergency.


Your safety is our top priority at Baker College. According to the National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 1 Fire Prevention Code, Section 3.2.2, “drills shall include suitable procedures to ensure all persons subject to the drill participate.” During fire drills, it’s essential that everyone participates to ensure our campus remains a safe environment for all.

If, for any reason, you fail to comply with fire drill procedures, Campus Safety may need to escort you out of the building. We take these drills seriously to protect everyone on campus.

For employees who don’t comply with fire drill procedures, incidents will be reported to their immediate supervisor for further review and corrective action. Similarly, for students who don’t follow the procedures, incidents will be reported to the Director of Student Affairs for appropriate action. Your cooperation during fire drills ensures the safety of our entire community.

Medical Emergencies

Your safety and well-being are our priority at Baker College. We’ve put policies in place to ensure our campus environments are safe, comfortable, and orderly for everyone. Our Campus Safety staff and other trained personnel are equipped to provide first aid and use automatic external defibrillators (AED) if needed. Bystanders who wish to apply first aid do so at their own risk.

If you’re ever in need of medical attention, whether it’s for an illness, injury, or accident on campus, we will immediately notify Campus Safety and make every effort to get the help you need as quickly as possible.

Please note that if you contract a contagious disease, we may ask you to refrain from attending classes until you present doctors’ statements that you’re no longer infectious. It’s important for all Baker College students to stay up-to-date with their immunizations as recommended by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Substance Abuse Referrals

If you’re struggling with drug and alcohol-related issues, support is here for you at Baker College. You can find resources by reaching out to the OneStop Office. Rest assured, any referrals made will be kept confidential to protect your privacy.

Personal Concerns Referrals

If you’re dealing with personal concerns, know that individual assistance and referrals to outside agencies are available for students at Baker College. You can find resources by reaching out to the OneStop Office. Remember, any referrals made will be kept confidential to respect your privacy.


As a student at Baker College, you’ll find plenty of free, paved, and well-lit parking spaces available. Some spots are reserved for specific groups like handicapped drivers, campus visitors, and College employees, and these areas are clearly marked. Handicapped parking operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Remember, parking illegally in restricted areas may result in fines or parking tickets. Baker College has the authority to revoke parking privileges or tow vehicles of repeat offenders. Make sure to adhere to posted speed limits on campus.

Parking lots are accessible whenever the College is open for business or classes. If you leave your car in the College parking lots after 10:00 p.m., it’s important to inform Campus Safety.

Residence hall students must have parking permits. If you plan to live in a residence hall, you can obtain a permit free of charge from Campus Safety.

Student Identification Cards

As a student, you’ll receive an identification card or mobile credential when you start at Baker College. To find out where to get your ID card, check in at the academic/administrative office. Remember to carry your student ID card whenever you’re on campus. Campus Safety Officers have the authority to ask for College identification, ensuring everyone on campus has lawful business at Baker College.