Jan 19, 2025
ELM 3310 - Elementary Science Methods Credits: 3 Lecture: 37 Lab: 0
Focuses on methods of teaching science and engineering appropriate to P-6. Developing lessons, sequences and assessments to create learning environments that provide opportunities for sense-making and explanation. Articulate research-based pedagogical strategies that support learners’ sense-making in grade level appropriate ways including learners’ prior experiences and knowledge, varying activity structures, talk and group work for science. Develop strategies for creating a classroom culture that values productive struggle, learners’ interest and experiences, challenging science ideas, constructing science meaning together, and enjoying science. Includes 24 hours of participation in P-6 classrooms. A grade of C or better must be attained to complete the Elementary Education Program.
Prerequisite(s): ELM 2310 Corequisite(s): None
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