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    Jul 26, 2024  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook

Academic Policies

Course Cancellation Policy

The College reserves the right to cancel any course at any time. If the College cancels a course, students will be notified promptly and be given an opportunity to enroll in another course.

Repeat Course Policy

Students may repeat courses to improve their grades. Financial aid eligibility for repeated courses varies based on the type of aid:  

  • Federal financial aid may be available to help pay for a repeated course if the student’s existing grade in the course is an F or W. If the student received a passing grade (D-or better), financial aid may be used to repeat the course only one time. 
  • State financial aid may be available for repeated courses until the minimum grade for the student’s program is earned.
  • Financial aid is not available for coursework completed in a previously earned certificate or degree program. 

A third attempt on any course must be approved by an Academic Advisor. Students may be required to pay all related tuition and fees for a third attempt. If a student repeats a course, the higher or highest of the grades will be used in computing the student’s GPA. However, all grades will remain on the student’s official transcript and will be included in the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress calculation. 

An attempt is defined as a course completion in which a student is assigned a grade.

Some programs are subject to exceptions to the third attempt policy based on licensing, accreditation and standards, which may stipulate fewer attempts. 

Withdrawal from a Course Policy

Student-Initiated Withdrawal from a Course

A student may withdraw from a course up to the end of the week which precedes the final week of the course. The student is required to submit a notice of withdrawal by using the “withdraw” option located in MyBaker. Tuition refunds are based on the official withdrawal date, which is the date the student submits his/her withdrawal request via this option. Students may contact the OneStop Office for assistance with completing the withdrawal process.

College-Initiated Withdrawal from a Course

A student may be administratively withdrawn from a course for any of the following reasons:

  1. Students who do not initiate academic engagement during the first week of the course may be withdrawn. Note: Students are responsible for withdrawing from courses they do not plan to attend and will be held financially responsible for tuition charges for classes not dropped/withdrawn from during the drop/add period.
  2. The student is not progressing academically in the course. Faculty will submit an Early Alert (EA) and communicate the student’s status in the course. All administrative withdrawals will be at the discretion of the Director of Student Affairs (or designated official).
  3. Violation of the Basic Principles of Student Responsibility Policy or other reasons on a case-by-case basis.

The official withdrawal date for a College-initiated withdrawal is the date the withdrawal is requested by the faculty member or College official.

Medical Leave of Absence

When health condition, physical or psychological, render a student’s continued participation in college impossible, impractical or unsafe to any member of the college community, the following policy shall apply. The Director of Student Affairs is responsible for the administration of this policy.

A. Voluntary Leave

A student may request a voluntary leave in the event that physical or psychological illness are significantly interfering with their ability to succeed at Baker College and/or the demands of college life are interfering with the student’s recovery or safety or the health or safety of others. Students are encouraged to consult with the College or external personnel (i.e., Director of Student Affairs, Disabilities Specialist, program director or dean, health services providers or other external providers) to determine whether a leave would be beneficial. The duration of a leave will be determined by Baker College. Indefinite leaves are not permitted.

B. Involuntary Leave

The College’s designee may place a student on an involuntary leave of absence for reasons of personal or community safety. This process will only be initiated in extraordinary circumstances when compelling information exists that a student is engaging in, or is at heightened risk of engaging in, behavior that could lead to serious injury to oneself or others because of a physical or psychological illness. Additionally, this process may be initiated if, based on an individual assessment, it is determined that there is significant risk that a student will harm oneself.

  1. Individualized assessment. When the College is made aware that a health emergency or condition renders a student’s continued participation in college academics, programs or services impossible, impractical or unsafe to any member of the college community, college personnel shall consult, review and consider appropriate recommendations and any applicable supporting documentation. This may include recommendations and documentation of the following, as applicable: the student’s recent treating health care professional(s) (if available and with necessary permissions); the student’s academic or other advisors; the student (if available); and, when necessary, the student’s parent or guardian. The College may also consult with other applicable resources as appropriate.
  2. Interim action. When safety is an immediate concern, College personnel may remove a student from campus pending final decision regarding involuntary leave. An interim action shall remain in effect until which time it is determined the involuntary leave is enforced. A student may appeal an interim action in writing to the appointed official.
  3. Alternatives considered. During the assessment process above, alternatives to involuntary withdrawal shall be considered. Such alternatives may include, but are not limited to, voluntary withdrawal, reasonable accommodations to any known or perceived disabilities or code of conduct contracts.
  4. Notice of withdrawal. If, as a result of the assessment in paragraph (B)(1) of this rule, College personnel deem that involuntary withdrawal is appropriate, the College shall withdraw the student from all registered courses. The decision will be communicated to the student in writing. The notice shall contain the terms of any interim actions issued pursuant to paragraph (B)(2) of this rule.
  5. Appeal. A student may appeal a decision for involuntary withdrawal in writing to the campus president within seven calendar days of receipt of the notice

C. Financial Obligation

A medical leave of absence does not reduce the student’s financial responsibility. Tuition and fees remain subject to the College’s refund policy and financial aid may be reduced as mandated by federal and state regulations. Student loans will enter repayment if a medical leave of absence is greater than six months. Questions regarding the financial impact of a medical leave of absence should be directed to OneStop.

Grade Appeal Process

Baker College has established an appeal process for students who have concerns regarding grades and the consistent application of both class requirements and policies as it pertains to grades.

If a student believes that the final course grade is based on a clerical or calculation error, capriciousness, arbitrariness or is not in alignment with established grading criteria outlined in the course syllabus, the student may file an appeal and must offer evidence to support the claim.

To ensure prompt resolution of the student’s concern, the appeal process has deadlines for each stage. If the student does not file the required paperwork within 30 calendar days of the end of the semester in which the concern occurred, the student cannot appeal. All deadlines for the process must be met; otherwise, the appeal ends and the student has no further recourse.

Step 1:

The student will discuss the concern in dispute with the instructor.

Step 2:

If the concern is not resolved with the instructor and the student wishes to pursue the concern, the student will communicate with an Academic Advisor. The Academic Advisor will provide the student with an Academic Appeal form.

The student will complete the Academic Appeal form and submit, within 10 business days of the meeting with the Academic Advisor, a comprehensive written document, which represents a summary of the facts and data from the student’s point of view. The appeal and supporting documentation must be received by the established deadline. If any supporting materials are not received by the stated deadline, the appeal will go forward without the additional materials. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Academic Advisor will send the appeal to the instructor.

The instructor will review the appeal and provide a written response to the student’s concern. The instructor will return the response to the Academic Advisor within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal. The Academic Advisor will share the instructor’s written response with the student. If the concern is not resolved, the appeal will move to Step 3.

Step 3:

The Academic Advisor will send the Academic Appeal form and written document to the Dean/designee. The Dean/designee will have 10 business days to render a decision and return the appeal to the academic advisor/designee.

The Academic Advisor will inform the student of the decision. Within five business days of notification, the student will indicate, in writing on the Academic Appeal form, his/her acceptance of the decision or the desire to move the appeal to Step 4.

Step 4:

If the concern is not resolved in Step 3, and the student chooses to pursue the concern further, the Academic Advisor will contact the chair of the judiciary council and will forward all documentation. The judiciary council will be convened within 15 business days of receipt of the appeal to resolve the concern.

The judiciary council will be formed and chaired by the Director of Student Affairs or designee. The chair will be a non-voting member of the council. The council will be composed of two students, two faculty members who teach in programs other than the student’s program and a program director from a division other than the division that is responsible for the course involved in the appeal.

Both the student and the instructor may appear before the judiciary council although no new documentation can be presented at this time. A written report of the council’s decision will be completed by the chair and will be placed in the student’s file. A copy of the report will be sent by the chair to the student and the instructor within five business days.

The decision of the judiciary council is final. The student and the instructor may respond in writing to the council’s action and these responses will be placed in the student’s academic file. No further appeal will be permitted.


Baker College is not an attendance taking institution; however, students must maintain academic activity in their courses. Academic Activity is defined as:

  • Physically attending class
  • Assignment submission
  • Assessment completion, participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction
  • Attending a study group as stated (assigned by faculty/in course)
  • Engaging in online discussion
  • Initiating contact with faculty regarding the course

When a student finds it necessary to be absent for an extended period, an explanation must be made to the instructor. Additionally, if an instructor thinks that a student’s absences have been excessive and unjustified, the instructor may request that the student be withdrawn from the course.

Course Reinstatement Following Withdrawal

Reinstatement to a course is at the discretion of the Director of Student Affairs. Faculty may be consulted regarding this decision but final approval is granted by the Director of Student Affairs.

Inclement Weather Procedures

In the event of an emergency requiring the closure of Baker College, a message will be posted on the website ( Please be careful to note if day, evening or all classes are cancelled.

All students who are registered in the Baker College Emergency Notification System (ENS) will receive a notification via their Baker email, text message or recorded telephone message.

Please note: In the event of a campus closure, a student enrolled in a work experience, field placement, clinical rotation or similar off-site course will be expected to report to his/her off-site experience. If conditions are such that it is not safe to travel to the off-site location, the student must contact the appropriate site supervisor or College official regarding individual circumstances preventing the student from attending.

Students should participate on Canvas for continued instruction when classes are cancelled.

Student Complaint Policy

Students have the right to file formal complaints about College matters if they believe their rights have been violated. The following are considered formal student complaints: grade disputes, equal opportunity complaints, Americans with Disabilities Act complaints and harassment complaints. Please see the following sections of this Handbook for more information about specific policy and complaint procedures.

To file complaints, students may follow the specific procedures outlined in the areas noted in this Handbook. For grade disputes, students may use the grade appeal form. For all other complaints, the student will use the Baker College Complaint/Grievance form. Students may file formal complaints, in writing, with the appropriate College officers, using the forms noted. Formal complaints must be specific, comprehensively documented, signed by students in written format and delivered either by U.S. mail or through an attachment to an email. To be considered a “formal student complaint,” the information submitted by the student needs to present full details, including any relevant documentation, dates, locations and witnesses, as appropriate.

Additionally, students must state the remedy being sought or the reasonable steps to be taken to resolve their complaints. Within 10 business days, after receiving the formal, written complaint from the student, the College will outline the steps that will be followed to resolve the issue.

Specific Policy and Complaint Procedures  
Grade disputes Grade Appeal Process (above)
Equal opportunity complaints Equal Opportunity Policy Statement (below)
Harassment Complaints Prohibited Harassment Policy (below)
Americans with Disabilities Act complaints Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) (below)
Grievance Procedure for Complaints Grievance Procedure for Complaints  (below)
Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy  (below)

Students with complaints that have not been sufficiently addressed by the College personnel can contact the Higher Learning Commission.

Higher Learning Commission
230 S. LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411
Phone: (800) 621-7440 / (312) 263-0456
Fax: (312) 263-7462

Email Correspondence

Email correspondence is increasingly used for distribution of information to members of the Baker College community. Electronic forms of correspondence are timelier and more efficient than traditional paper correspondence and provide better service to the recipient and potential cost savings to the College.

Since all staff, faculty and registered students at Baker College have e-mail accounts created by virtue of their association with Baker College, electronic correspondence is one of the authorized means of communication from Baker College to its constituents. Notification by e-mail is equivalent to notification by letter or by phone.

All email correspondence shall be sent to the email address issued by Baker College (the address ending in “”). The student has the option to define a different “preferred email address” at the time of application; however, the College, including faculty and staff, will send all messages to the Baker email address.

Baker College Student Printing

The Baker College print system is architected to allow students to use Baker College resources to print and scan documents.

Each student is given a $50 printing credit each semester, which corresponds to 500 black and white single-sided pages. (Students may also print in color, but this will reduce the number of pages provided.)

  • Duplex (two-sided) print jobs count as two printed pages.
  • Printing balances do NOT transfer from semester to semester. New balances are loaded each semester.
  • If a student exceeds the $50.00 of free printing at any time during the semester, the student will not be able to print without purchasing additional printing credit.
  • Students can purchase additional prints from designated location(s) while on campus.
  • Student-purchased prints are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
  • The semester allotment of prints cannot be redeemed for cash.

Internet Account

Every registered student at Baker College automatically receives an Internet account. This account creates students’ email accounts, online classroom accounts and gives students access to some restricted areas on Baker College’s website including access to many library resources. This account also gives students access to download some software that the College can distribute only to students. Finally, this account allows students to access where students can view grades, transcript information, billing information and register for classes.

Assessment at Baker College

Baker College gathers assessment data for program planning and accountability. A variety of data is collected at the course, program and institutional levels. This data includes direct measures of student learning, course evaluations, instructor evaluations, employer evaluations and various surveys of shareholders’ satisfaction. Students may be asked to complete projects with rubrics, take standardized exams, complete surveys and/or participate in other assessments. Baker College is committed to using the assessment data collected to continuously improve teaching and learning and to enrich students’ college experiences.

Graduate Studies Academic Outcomes Assessment

Graduate students may be required to take standardized entrance, progress or exit examinations. Students progressing through their programs will be assessed by a variety of methods as established by course instructors and the Center for Graduate Studies. The College agrees not to violate student privacy as it uses this information to improve programs for future students and to evaluate the effectiveness of delivery.

Recording a Course Session

Students have the right to audio record for personal use lectures or mini-lectures within course sessions but must inform their instructors. Students are required to gain authorization from their instructors to video record course sessions for personal use.

Diversity Statement

Baker College considers all buildings and classrooms, both on-ground and online, to be a safe space where students, staff and faculty will be treated with respect. Baker College welcomes individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, abilities and other visible and non-visible differences. All members of the College are expected to promote and model a respectful, welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the Institution.

Equal Opportunity Policy Statement

It is the policy of Baker College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy or other protected characteristics in providing and administering educational programs, services, activities, employment, or recruitment. Inquiries regarding this policy can be directed to the Vice President of Human Resources at 1020 S. Washington, Owosso, MI., 48867 or by phone (989) 729-3955. The College declares and reaffirms a policy of equal employment opportunity, equal educational opportunity and nondiscrimination, where applicable, in the provision of educational services to the public. The College will make all decisions regarding recruitment without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, or other protected characteristics, which cannot lawfully be the basis for an admissions/employment decision.

The College reaffirms its policy of administering all of its educational programs and related supporting services and benefits in a manner that does not discriminate because of a student’s or prospective student’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy or other protected characteristics that cannot lawfully be the basis for the administration of such services. With respect to access to gender-specific facilities on campus, such as restrooms or locker rooms, Baker College allows transgender students/faculty to access such facilities consistent with their gender identities. If applicable, Baker College also provides some individual user options available to all students/faculty who voluntarily seek additional privacy. If applicable, Baker College also provides some individual user options available to all students/faculty who voluntarily seek additional privacy.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA)

Baker College complies with the spirit and requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), as they apply to people with disabilities, who are otherwise qualified, in the following ways: All new facilities are barrier free; programs, classes and activities in existing facilities are made accessible to people with disabilities; reasonable and appropriate adjustments and accommodations are made to ensure a full educational opportunity for students with disabilities; and auxiliary aids and services, when necessary, are provided in a timely manner to afford individuals with a disabilities an equal opportunity to effectively participate in and enjoy the benefits of services, programs, courses, employment or activities conducted by the College.

A postsecondary student with a disability, who needs auxiliary aids, is obligated to provide notice of the nature of the disabling condition to the College’s academic counseling/advising office and to assist the College in identifying appropriate and effective auxiliary aids. The student must identify the need and give adequate notice of the need. In response to a request for auxiliary aids, the College will require from the student supporting diagnostic test results and professional prescriptions for auxiliary aids.

Prohibited Harassment Policy

Pursuant to Baker College’s policy of equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination, the College will maintain working/educational environments for its employees/students that are free from prohibited harassment. Harassment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy or other protected characteristics is prohibited and against the policies of the College.

An example of prohibited harassment is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment involves the following: (a) making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature a condition of employment/education; (b) making submission to or rejection of such conduct the basis for employment/ educational decisions; or (c) creating intimidating, offensive or hostile working/educational environments by such conduct.

The Following Are Examples of Sexual Harassment:


Sexual innuendos, suggestive comments, insults, threats, jokes about gender-specific traits or sexual propositions;


Making suggestive or insulting noises, leering, whistling or making obscene gestures; or


Touching, pinching, brushing the body, coercing sexual intercourse or assault.

Any student who believes he or she has been the subject of prohibited harassment should report the alleged conduct immediately to the campus Director of Student Affairs.

Sexual harassment may also be covered by Baker College’s Title IX Nondiscrimination Policy. For a complete copy of this policy visit

An investigation of any complaint will be undertaken immediately.

The investigation and its results will remain confidential to the extent possible.

Any employee/student found by the College to have engaged in the prohibited harassment of an employee/student will be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions, ranging from a warning in his or her file up to and including termination/expulsion.

Retaliating or discriminating against an employee/student for complaining about prohibited harassment or participating in an investigation is prohibited.

The College recognizes that the issue of whether prohibited harassment has occurred requires a factual determination based on all of the evidence received. The College also recognizes that false accusations of harassment can have serious effects on innocent individuals. We trust that all employees/students will continue to act in a responsible and professional manner to establish pleasant working/educational environments free of discrimination and harassment.

Sexual Misconduct Policy Statement

Baker College does not discriminate on the basis of sex. Sexual harassment and sexual violence are considered types of sex discrimination. Other acts can also be forms of sex-based discrimination and are also prohibited, whether sexually based or not. These other acts include dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. Baker College issues this statement of policy to inform the community of our comprehensive plan addressing sexual misconduct and the educational programs and procedures that address the reporting, investigation and adjudication of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. This policy applies whether those acts occur on or off campus and when they are reported to a Campus Security Authority. In this context, Baker College prohibits the offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking and reaffirms its commitment to maintain campus environments emphasizing the dignity and worth of all members of the College community.

You can review or obtain a copy of the Baker College policy governing sexual misconduct policy here at

Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy

It is the policy of Baker College to provide safe environments for its employees and students. This policy is intended to protect employees and students from bullying and/or aggressive behaviors. Bullying is defined as repeated, abusive conduct that causes intentional physical or emotional harm to the target and often involves an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim, which may involve a gesture or a written, verbal, social, graphic or physical act.

Baker prohibits any form of bullying or harassment. This prohibition includes written, physical, verbal and psychological abuse including hazing, gestures, comments, threats or actions that cause (or threaten to cause) bodily harm, reasonable fear for personal safety or personal degradation. Bullying is not the same as teasing, but repeated, harmful teasing is a form of bullying. Constant undue criticism, work sabotage and glaring are all potential examples of bullying tactics.

Bullying fosters climates of fear and disrespect that can seriously impair the physical and psychological health of its victims. Bullying and harassment create conditions that undermine the ability of individuals to achieve their full potential.

The Following Are Examples of Bullying or Harassment:

Verbal Bullying:

Repeated comments made to or about, a person by one or more people. These comments can include name calling, intimidation and humiliation tactics. Verbal bullying often happens when an imbalance of power exists between the bully and the bullied person, but sometimes the goal is to create this imbalance. When bullying creates a hostile environment and is based on a protected category, it could rise to the level of unlawful harassment.

Physical Bullying:

Repeated physically aggressive actions toward a recipient. Some forms of physical bullying constitute assault, battery or false imprisonment. Even if no one complains, physical bullying may be occurring.

Social Bullying:

Harming a person socially, often resulting in social isolation of the victim. Examples of social bullying include spreading rumors, staring and laughing or shunning.

Cyber Bullying:

Using digital means such as the Internet, social media, cell phones or other electronic devices to bully someone.


Bringing or threatening to bring, baseless legal actions against someone to control or punish him or her.

Students who believe that they have been the subjects of bullying or harassment should report the alleged conduct immediately to the campus Director of Student Affairs. An investigation of all complaints will be undertaken immediately. The investigation and its results will remain confidential to the extent possible.

Any employee/student found by the College to have bullied or harassed an employee/student may be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions ranging from a warning in his or her file up to and including termination/ expulsion.

Retaliating or discriminating against a student for complaining about bullying, harassment or participating in an investigation is prohibited.

The College recognizes that the issue of whether bullying or harassment has occurred requires a factual determination based on all of the evidence received. The College also recognizes that false accusations of bullying or harassment can have serious effects on innocent men and women. We trust that all employees/students will continue to act in a responsible and professional manner to establish a pleasant working/educational environment free of discrimination.

Individuals who wish to file a complaint should complete the Baker College Complaint/Grievance form.

Grievance Procedure for Complaints

If any person believes that Baker College has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) or the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), he/she may follow any one of the following complaint procedures available to them:

Option I

The person who believes he/she has a valid basis for grievance shall discuss the grievance informally and on a verbal basis with the campus Director of Student Affairs, who shall function as the designated campus EEO/AA/ADA Officer.* The campus Director of Student Affairs shall in turn investigate the complaint and reply with an answer to the complainant. He/she may initiate formal procedures according to the following steps:

Step 1

A written statement of the grievance, signed by the complainant, shall be submitted to the campus Director of Student Affairs within five business days of receipt of a response to the informal complaint. The campus Director of Student Affairs shall further investigate the matters raised in the grievance and reply in writing to the complainant within five business days.

Step 2

If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision of the campus Director of Student Affairs, he/she may submit a signed statement of appeal within five business days of receipt of the response of the campus Director of Student Affairs response. The Dean of Students shall meet with all parties involved, formulate a conclusion and respond in writing to the complainant within 10 business days.

*The campus Director of Student Affairs will investigate all complaints in accordance with the College’s grievance procedure. A copy of the grievance procedure will be provided upon request.

Option II

A grievance or inquiry may be made at any time to the Office for Civil Rights, Region V, Department of Education, Room 700C, 7th Floor, 401 S. State St., Chicago, IL. 60605-1202.

Title IX Grievance Procedure

If any person believes that Baker College has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, please contact the College Title IX Officer, Dana Clark, Vice President of Human Resources, at (989) 729-3955.

Code of Conduct


Baker College’s Code of Conduct is educational in nature while providing structure for the institution. Through our interactions with students, we strive to support the educational mission, guiding principles and the institutional student learning outcomes of the College. Our conduct process provides students with opportunities for dialogue and reflection while requiring a continual commitment to the Basic Principles of Student Responsibility and other policies identified in the Student Handbook. These documents outline the ideals to which all students should aspire as members of the Baker College community.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct establishes minimum standards of student conduct that promote respectful behavior, academic integrity and a positive learning environment. The College provides a process for students in violation of these standards and has established Basic Principles of Student Responsibility, an IT Acceptable Use Policy and an Academic Honor Code.

College of Health Science, College of Nursing and School of Occupational Therapy

Programs within the College of Health Science and the Schools of Nursing and Occupational Therapy may have additional expectations of student conduct.

While programs within these schools follow the operational procedure outlined in the Code of Conduct, they may have student conduct expectations and sanctions that are program or industry-specific in addition to those listed in the Code. Students should consult their program handbook for further information regarding programmatic expectations.

Basic Principles of Student Responsibility

Baker College is committed to providing an environment in which each person has a right to study, learn and live without fear, without humiliation and without destruction of self-esteem.

The College expects student awareness and concern for all aspects of classroom, residential and extracurricular life and strives to promote a cohesive and equitable environment, where all differences are respected and strives to promote a respectful, comfortable and equitable environment.

Institutional expectations, regulations, policies and practices are established to reflect the values to which the College subscribes.

Enrollment at Baker College is a privilege and it is expected that students will conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the mission, ideals, values and educational aims of the College.

Students will conduct themselves in the following manner:

  • Respect the rights and property of others.
  • Treat fellow students, faculty and staff with good manners and respect.
  • Behave in such a way as to promote a positive learning environment.
  • Give honest and complete replies to all questions included in application forms and other documents required by the College.
  • Refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages (except where allowed in student housing for students of legal drinking age).
  • Abide by federal, state and local laws.
  • Refrain from any illegal possession, sale or use of drugs, whether illegal or over-the-counter.
  • Use care in keeping facilities and equipment clean and orderly.
  • Abide by all policies and procedures provided by the College.

When a student’s actions do not reflect these expectations, the College will take disciplinary measures.

On Baker College premises, any of the following will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion:

  • Possessing, carrying, displaying or using firearms, weapons, explosives, explosive ingredients or mechanisms or hazardous chemicals
  • Assaulting or making a threat
  • Improper use of, disabling or tampering with safety or security equipment
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Distributing, possessing, carrying, using or being under the influence of illegal drugs
  • Arson or any attempt of arson
  • Possessing, carrying, using or being under the influence of alcohol (except where allowed in student housing for students of legal drinking age)
  • Interfering with a Campus Safety Officer in the performance of his/her duties
  • Refusal or failure to produce a Baker College ID card upon request of a Campus Safety Officer or another authorized College official
  • Failure to comply with all reasonable and lawful requests and instructions as well as disciplinary conditions imposed upon them by those in authority including the College administrators, faculty, housing staff, Campus Safety Officers or other employees acting in the performance of their official duties
  • Bullying, stalking, harassing or intimidating another student, faculty, staff or visitor on campus
  • Causing a disruption on campus or violating the Basic Principles of Student Responsibility
  • Identity theft or use of another person’s user ID and/or password
  • Instigation or participation in activities which develop to a degree that elicits panic or alarm, disturbs the peace, endangers personal wellbeing or harms public or private property
  • Impending or threatening to obstruct the free and uninterrupted passage of individuals or vehicles or preventing or obstructing the normal operations of the College
  • Use of language, gestures or electronic media that is abusive or offensive in nature
  • Removal of or tampering with College-owned equipment
  • Operating a business on Baker College property or with the use of College equipment
  • The use of the Baker College name on any advertising by a student for business purposes

Disclosure of Criminal Arrest

Any student arrested for a felony (on or off campus) may be immediately suspended from the College. The suspension is in effect pending disposition of the charges. The student may re-apply to the College once these pending charges have reached resolution.

If at any time during a student’s enrollment at Baker College, a student is charged with or convicted of, a felony, he/she must disclose this charge/conviction to a Baker College official. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from the College.

The Conduct Process

When a violation of the Code of Conduct occurs, the student will be given notice of an Administrative Meeting which will outline the date(s) of the alleged behavior and request for the student to be present to discuss the matter with Baker College personnel. At the Administrative Meeting, the College will outline all of the evidence available and afford the student the opportunity to deny or accept their responsibility. A determination of student responsibility will be rendered by College personnel and sanctions issued, when appropriate. An alternative dispute resolution process may exist for some violations of the Code of Conduct. In cases of residence hall dismissal or expulsion from the College, the student may have the right to appeal.

Sanctions for Violating the Code of Conduct

The sanction for a violation of the Code of Conduct is at the discretion of the presiding College official. The College may impose one or more of the following sanctions for each violation. The student’s refusal to acknowledge College-issued sanctions does not negate them. All violations of the Code of Conduct are documented in the student’s record and retained by the Director of Student Affairs at the respective campus.

Conduct Contract - Identifies the inappropriate action(s) or behavior(s) and the policy(ies) that have been violated. The conduct contract stipulates the ramifications of future violations up to and including expulsion from the College.

Educational Sanctions - Provides the student with additional knowledge, understanding and personal growth regarding his or her violation.

Expulsion - Enrollment at Baker College is immediately and indefinitely terminated and the student is banned from all Baker College campuses.

Restorative Measures - Practices aimed at righting wrongs and repairing relationships through conversation. May be used in resolving disputes between students or when a student violates an institutional policy. May be combined with other sanctions.

Suspension - Identifies the time period in which a student is not allowed on any campus. This sanction may be limited to College-provided housing as appropriate.

Verbal Warning - Provides the student a conversation between a College employee and the student outlining the inappropriate conduct.

Interim Measures

The College may, at its discretion, impose interim measures to ensure an environment conducive to learning and the safety of students, staff and faculty until the student’s final disposition is determined. Interim measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • Suspension from student housing
  • Suspension from the College
  • Change in course schedule
  • A no contact order

Interim measures will remain in effect until the investigation has been completed and a final decision has been issued. The student will be notified when the investigation is complete.

Academic Integrity Philosophy

Academic Honor Code

Integrity and acting honorably are essential components of professionalism and citizenship that continue well beyond courses at Baker College. They are the foundation for ethical behavior in an ever-evolving workplace. Academic integrity must be understood, appreciated and upheld for students to be successful in their academic pursuits and prepared for the challenges of skills-intensive careers in an information-based global society. To support this vision, Baker College has created an Academic Integrity Philosophy. 

To promote this philosophy, all members of the Baker College academic community (students, faculty and staff) affirm and share the belief that values of honesty, trust and accountability will be adhered to by all. Students, faculty and staff have a shared responsibility to build mutual trust and ensure their ideas and work will be respected. Members of an academic community practice consistency and professional conduct even in the face of adversity. Demonstrating academic integrity is an individual choice to be responsible for one’s own work, make ethical decisions and be accountable for one’s own actions and choices. In the pursuit of achieving and maintaining academic integrity, all members of the academic community must understand and exhibit attitudes and behaviors consistent with three critical core ideals. All members of Baker College can exemplify the Academic Integrity Philosophy.

The three core ideals crucial to academic integrity include the following: mutual honesty, trust and respect; responsibility for professional and ethical conduct; and fairness, transparency and exemplary behavior.

Mutual Honesty, Trust and Respect: Education involves the exchange and transference of knowledge and ideas. Because learning is a collaborative process, all stakeholders at Baker College have a reciprocal responsibility to ensure the academic community is grounded in honesty, trust and respect. 

Responsibility for Professional and Ethical Conduct: Academic integrity involves a personal and individual ethical choice to be committed and accountable for one’s own behavior and work. Beyond the individual choice, academic integrity can only be upheld and maintained when all members of Baker College accept the responsibilities involved with their roles and are accountable for their conduct in the academic community. 

Fairness, Transparency and Exemplary Behavior: Fostering a commitment to fairness is an ongoing process, maintained by continuous practice, as well as consistency and assured professionalism even in the face of adversity. Students, faculty and administration at Baker College all have a right to be treated fairly by each other and will work in the best interest of one another while adhering to practices that promote exemplary behavior, impartiality and transparency.

To support the Baker College Academic Integrity Philosophy, the Academic Honor Code provides a framework which ensures an ethical, honorable and responsible environment is sustained for all students. The College requires that work for which students receive credit be entirely the result of their own effort. Acting honorably in an academic setting requires more than simple honesty. Academic dishonesty takes place whenever students undermine the academic integrity of the institution or attempt to gain an unfair advantage over others. Lack of awareness of the College’s honor code is not accepted as a valid excuse for prohibited conduct.

The following list includes some examples of honor code violations; they are not intended to be exhaustive.


  • Using unauthorized materials such as books, notes, crib sheets or electronic devices to answer examination questions
  • Taking advantage of information considered unauthorized by one’s instructor regarding examination questions
  • Copying another student’s homework, written assignments, examination answers, electronic media or other data
  • Assisting or allowing someone else to cheat


  • Representing the ideas, expressions or materials of another without due credit
  • Paraphrasing or condensing ideas from another person’s work without proper citation
  • Failing to document direct quotations and paraphrases with proper citation

Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty

  • Fraud, deception and the alteration of grades or official records
  • Changing examination solutions after the fact; inventing, changing or falsifying laboratory data or research
  • Reproducing or duplicating images, designs or web pages without giving credit to the developer, artist or designer
  • Submitting work created for another course without instructor approval
  • Misrepresenting oneself or one’s circumstance to gain an unfair advantage
  • Collaborating with another person(s) without instructor approval
  • Selling or providing term papers, coursework or assignments to other students
  • Purchasing, posting, uploading, using or exchanging coursework, papers, tests or assignments to/from an Internet site or any other third parties without authorization from the College
  • Using AI tools during in-class examinations, assignments or in any other capacity unless explicitly permitted and/or instructed to do so.

Sanctions for Violating the Academic Honor Code

Instructor Sanctions

  • Failure of the assignment
  • Failure of the course

Institutional Sanctions

  • Expulsion from the College
  • Rescinding a certificate or degree

Determination of grades and the student’s status in the course is left solely to the discretion of the instructor. The instructor may seek guidance from College administrators who will establish, investigate and determine potential patterns of dishonesty and egregiousness. Violations of the honor code may result in additional sanctions imposed by the institution. 

A student is prohibited from withdrawing from a course in which the sanction for violating the academic honor code was failure of the course. A student cannot appeal an assignment grade or final course grade if the sole basis for the appeal is contingent upon overturning an academic dishonesty decision or sanction.  

All students who violate the honor code must complete the Judicial Educator Module before they will be allowed to register for additional classes. All violations are noted in student records and additional disciplinary actions may be imposed. 

Academic honor code sanctions cannot be appealed.

Acceptable Use Policy for Baker College Information Technology Resources

This policy defines the accountability of all users (“Users”) as well as the boundaries of acceptable use of Baker College computing and communication resources. Baker College provides robust resources to support the information technology (IT) environments including computers, data storage, mobile devices, electronic data, networks, software, email services, electronic information sources, voicemail, telephone services, learning management system and other products and services.

Baker College’s computing and communication resources are the property of Baker College and are used to support the institution’s guiding principles including the advancement of education, services, community and administrative business support services.

IT resources are provided for use to faculty, staff, students and courtesy affiliates. This policy is intended to help protect Baker College and its constituents as it relates to privacy and confidentiality, as well as the overall integrity of Baker College IT resources. Having a sound and effective information technology environment is essential to the mission and guiding principles of Baker College.

When utilizing Baker College resources, you agree to the Acceptable Use Policy.


  • This policy applies to all individuals using Baker College resources, regardless of affiliation (faculty, staff, students, guests and courtesy affiliates) or where the resources are accessed or used (i.e., Baker College campuses or remote locations).
  • For usage within Baker College campuses’ IT environments, additional rules may apply to specific resources including classrooms, business systems, networks, software, social media, databases and other services and support. Rules will be consistent with this policy and could potentially enact additional requirements and/or responsibilities from the Users.
  • Access to Baker College resources may be wholly or partially restricted without prior notice and without consent.
  • Access to this policy will be granted to Users through the website, handbook and/or catalog.

General Authorized Usage Overview

  • Baker College resources are provided for College-specific objectives, including supporting the College’s mission, teaching, administrative actions and student/student-life activities, including social media usage.
  • Users are granted access to Baker College IT resources and are responsible for all activity performed with their user IDs. Users should take appropriate precautions to ensure the security of their passwords and prevent others from obtaining access to their computer resources.
  • Inappropriate or supplementary use that inaccurately or inappropriately illustrates support or affiliation of products, services or organizations, without written approval, is prohibited.
  • Usage of Baker College resources for supplementary personal use is done at the User’s own risk. The College cannot and will not guarantee the continued operation, support or security of IT resources.
  • Users are responsible for informing themselves of any Baker College policies or regulations that control the use of College resources prior to resource usage.
  • Users are expected to respect the privacy of other Users, including usage, content or identities.
  • Users are required to comply with state, federal and local laws as well as College policies. Additionally, Users are required to adhere to the rules and regulations dictated by third parties.
  • Users are expected to engage in safe and responsible security and computing practices in order to maintain the integrity of Baker College resources.

Inappropriate Usage

  • The use of Baker College resources for private business, commercial activities, fund-raising or advertising for non-College purposes is prohibited unless approved in advance.
  • Users must adhere to copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property or similar laws/regulations.
  • Using College resources for unlawful communications - including threats of violence, obscenity, child pornography and harassing communication - is prohibited and will immediately be reported to the local police department and/or Campus Safety.
  • Unauthorized access, modification, copies or deletion of Users’ accounts or resources, including files, is not allowed.
  • Users cannot use IT resources in a manner that impacts the usage or activities of the resources by other Users including, but not limited to, the introduction of malicious software or malware.
  • Unauthorized connectivity or access to Baker College resources is prohibited.
  • Interfering with the networking including, but not limited to, scanning, monitoring, intercepting and altering network packets is expressly prohibited.
  • Baker College resources cannot be used to engage in patrician politics or promote/opposed ballot measures unless that use is approved by the President/CEO.
  • Users cannot access Baker College resources without the proper authority, which includes attempting to evade or circumvent user authentication and/or misrepresenting one’s identity or affiliation.

E-Mail and Electronic Communications

  • Access to Baker College email is a privilege that may be wholly or partially restricted without prior notice and without the consent of Users.
  • An activity that may strain the email or network facilities is a violation of this policy. These activities include, but are not limited to, sending chain letters and widespread dissemination of unsolicited emails.
  • Modification or forging of mail information, including the header, is prohibited.
  • Confidentiality of e-mail or other electronic communication cannot be assured; therefore, Users should be aware of the risks when sending confidential, personal, financial or sensitive information.

Social Media

Baker College recognizes the important role that social media plays in our community. In support of this, there are a number of official social media accounts. As a student, if you want to create an official Baker College page or group, you must receive approval from the College. (The social media application is available at When operating an official page or group, you are representing Baker College and, as such, you are required to adhere to the expectations and policies outlined below. Any violation of any of these policies, regardless of scale or visibility, will be addressed; as with offline violations of Baker College’s Code of Conduct, disciplinary action may be undertaken. Any deviation (even unintentional) from the policies and procedures could result in disciplinary action.

Student Organizations

  • All registered student organizations and pages will be monitored on an ongoing basis at the campus and departmental levels to ensure compliance, quality and consistency with these policies and guidelines.
  • The description of the page/group must include the following: “This page/group is not operated by an official representative of Baker College and, as such, the posts and opinions expressed here do not represent the opinions or policies of Baker College. Baker College is not responsible for any content posted here.”


  • Remember to treat others appropriately, even if they do not do the same. Avoid personal comments, criticisms or attacks.
  • All postings should be free of inappropriate language or content, ethnic slurs, personal insults or obscenity.
  • Avoid participating in inflammatory or sensitive topics (i.e., expressing religious beliefs or political opinions).
  • Be mindful of accuracy and questionable Internet resources. When possible, always include a link to any resource cited and always follow up with a correction if a mistake has been made.
  • Do not speak outside your area of expertise. Whenever possible, direct questions toward a resource who can answer them - even if you do not have the information.
  • Be aware that anything you publish online has a long shelf life and is accessible for many years afterward - online or in archives (even if you delete it).
  • Respect all copyright and fair use laws with any information you share online, including pictures.
  • Do not provide any endorsement or referral for a product or service on behalf of Baker College.
  • Do not let your online activities get out of balance with your day-to-day academic or personal responsibilities.

Safety and Privacy

  • When applicable, always take measures to ensure that your privacy settings will protect your personal information and safety. Never reveal personal or sensitive information online. Likewise, never collect or request another’s personal information.
  • All passwords must be kept secure and separate; never share them with anyone or write them down.
  • Do not reuse passwords for multiple sites or accounts.
  • Always log out of a site or system after use; do not use auto-login or “remember me” checkboxes.
  • If you have any reason to suspect a password is no longer secure, change it, immediately.
  • If you have any reason to suspect an account has been compromised, immediately contact the support department for that particular site or service for assistance.
  • Immediately notify the IT Solutions Center (via email at of any situation in which a password or account appears to be compromised.
  • Immediately report to Campus Safety and the IT Solutions Center (via email at any threatening or abusive posts made on student groups/pages; capture a screenshot of the post and username before deleting it.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication is required for accessing any information system. It is highly recommended that multiple methods are registered in order to prevent losing access to your account.
  • Accounts that are deemed inactive will be disabled.

HIPAA and Social Media in the Healthcare Settings

Federal law defines privacy through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA regulations are intended to protect patient privacy and confidentiality by defining individually identifiable information and establishing how this information may be used, by whom, and under what circumstances. The definition of individually identifiable information includes any information that relates to the past, present or future physical or mental health of an individual or provides enough information that could be used to identify an individual. To that end, students’ responsibilities are the following:

  • Safeguard any patient information learned during the course of treatments.
  • Disclose patient information only to other members of the healthcare team for the purpose of providing care for patients.
  • Share confidential information only with patients’ informed consent, when legally required or where failure to disclose the information could result in significant harm. Beyond these very limited exceptions, students are obligated to safeguard confidential information.
  • Be aware of the potential consequences of disclosing patient-related information via social media; failure to adhere to clinical affiliates’ policies; and failure to abide by relevant state and federal laws as well as professional standards regarding patient privacy and confidentiality and its application to social and electronic media.

FERPA and Social Media in Educational Settings

  • The federal law that addresses student privacy and records is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). In the United States, education records at public schools or schools that receive public funding fall under FERPA’s jurisdiction. FERPA ensures the privacy of educational records.
  • Candidates (student teachers) should be aware of the issues related to the privacy of educational records. It is important for the teachers to keep personal information related to the child and parents confidential.
  • Candidates (student teachers) should not negatively discuss students, staff or the school inside or outside of the building and should not discuss students by name except for professional purposes.


  • Privacy is important to Baker College; however, Users should be aware that the data created or stored on Baker College resources remains the property of the College.
  • Users are expected to respect the privacy of other Users and not divulge personal data concerning faculty, staff or students.
  • Authorized individuals of Baker College IT environments will perform management tasks in a manner that fosters User trust.
  • The College does not routinely monitor individual usage; however, normal operations require the backup of data, logging of activities, monitoring general usage, logging files and other similar activities. Baker College may access various resources to perform necessary maintenance including security events.

Operational Security

  • The College may, without advance notice to Users, take any action necessary to protect the interests of Baker College and to ensure that the IT resources are stable and secure. Any action necessary will be taken, including monitoring and scanning College resources.
  • Third-party intrusions, viruses and physical access can compromise computing and communication security. Baker College takes reasonable precautions to minimize risks. Users must notify and report incidents via email to
  • Known or suspected violations of the Acceptable Use Policy should be reported immediately via email to


  • Use of Baker College resources is a privilege, not a right. Users’ access to Baker College IT resources may be limited, suspended or terminated if a User violates the policy. The IT Executive Team will address alleged violations of this policy.
  • In addition to a review of alleged violations of this policy, the College may be obligated to report incidents to law enforcement.
  • Users who violate this policy, other College policies or external laws will be subject to disciplinary action and/or penalties.
  • If the CIO determines that a User has violated this policy and that access should be limited or suspended, the User may appeal the decision to the System’s executive committee.

Definition of Users: any authorized individual, including faculty, staff, students, guest or courtesy affiliates.